“Drive-By Dreams & Seaside Themes” by Pete Marshall for One Stop Poetry.
“Ouch” by Melissa at All the Words.
“Transparent” by Bradley Moore at And the Other Thing Is.
“Stalemate” and "Coast" by Nancy Rosback at Poems and Prayers.
“Special Providence” by John Blase at The Dirty Shame.
“Sermon Notes Poems: 2 Thessalonians” by L.L. Barkat at Love Notes to Yahweh.
“Summer Headlines” by Maureen Doallas at Writing Without Paper.
“Unfettered” by Kelly Sauer at A Restless Heart.
“Flare” by Deidra at Jumping Tandem.
“The Boy Gets Sad” by Lorenzo at Crowned with Laurels.
“Her heart spilling over” by Anthony Souls at The Art Comet.
“Taleissin commanding the king’s horse” and “Synergia” by Justinian at Delight and Glory and oddity and Light.
“Lawn of the Dead” by Gordon McCleary at A Yankee’s Southern Exposure.
“Those Who Dance Are Considered Insane By Those Who Can’t hear the Music” by Jeff Dunn at Internet Monk.
“A Letter to My Mom on Her Birthday” by Kyle Reed at Standing on Giants.
“Summer of 2040” by Duane Scott. And see all the great posts for the One Word Blog Carnival on summer sponsored by Bridget Chumbley.
“Your Money or Your (Spiritual) Life” by Bradley Moore for the High Calling Blogs.
“Summertime and the Livin’ Is Easy?” by Fatha Frank at Public Christianity.
“The Everybody-Already-Knows-Everything Theory of Communication” by David Murray at Writing Boots.
“Svelata: Unveiling Art + Beauty + Creativity” by Maureen Doallas at Writing Without Paper.
“The Summer Everything Changed” by Jason at Connecting to Impact.
“Summer Lies and Memories Last Forever” (and a poem) and “Life is Good" by Louise Gallagher at Recover Your Joy.
“My Daughter’s Fingernails” and “Bob Sheppard” by Billy Coffey.
“Beauty from Destruction” by Kathy Richards.
“Seven, and it’s Summer” by Chaplain Mike at Internet Monk.
“Sabbath Joy” by Laura Boggess at The Wellspring.
"Commit Literature” by Athol Dickson for Novel Journey.
“Counting the Cost” by Jeanne Damoff for The Master’s Artist
“In Soccer, Beauty is a Choice” by Santiago Ramos for The Image Journal.
Paintings and Photographs
“Images of Summer” and “Summer Dance” by Nancy Rosback at Poems and Prayers.
"Silver Bits and Buttons” and “Orca’s Day” by Kathleen Overby at Almost Paradisical.
“Dust on the Creek,” oil on canvas by Randall David Tipton.
“Drive-By Dreams & Seaside Themes” by Pete Marshall for One Stop Poetry.
“Ouch” by Melissa at All the Words.
“Transparent” by Bradley Moore at And the Other Thing Is.
“Stalemate” and "Coast" by Nancy Rosback at Poems and Prayers.
“Special Providence” by John Blase at The Dirty Shame.
“Sermon Notes Poems: 2 Thessalonians” by L.L. Barkat at Love Notes to Yahweh.
“Summer Headlines” by Maureen Doallas at Writing Without Paper.
“Unfettered” by Kelly Sauer at A Restless Heart.
“Flare” by Deidra at Jumping Tandem.
“The Boy Gets Sad” by Lorenzo at Crowned with Laurels.
“Her heart spilling over” by Anthony Souls at The Art Comet.
“Taleissin commanding the king’s horse” and “Synergia” by Justinian at Delight and Glory and oddity and Light.
“Lawn of the Dead” by Gordon McCleary at A Yankee’s Southern Exposure.
“Those Who Dance Are Considered Insane By Those Who Can’t hear the Music” by Jeff Dunn at Internet Monk.
“A Letter to My Mom on Her Birthday” by Kyle Reed at Standing on Giants.
“Summer of 2040” by Duane Scott. And see all the great posts for the One Word Blog Carnival on summer sponsored by Bridget Chumbley.
“Your Money or Your (Spiritual) Life” by Bradley Moore for the High Calling Blogs.
“Summertime and the Livin’ Is Easy?” by Fatha Frank at Public Christianity.
“The Everybody-Already-Knows-Everything Theory of Communication” by David Murray at Writing Boots.
“Svelata: Unveiling Art + Beauty + Creativity” by Maureen Doallas at Writing Without Paper.
“The Summer Everything Changed” by Jason at Connecting to Impact.
“Summer Lies and Memories Last Forever” (and a poem) and “Life is Good" by Louise Gallagher at Recover Your Joy.
“My Daughter’s Fingernails” and “Bob Sheppard” by Billy Coffey.
“Beauty from Destruction” by Kathy Richards.
“Seven, and it’s Summer” by Chaplain Mike at Internet Monk.
“Sabbath Joy” by Laura Boggess at The Wellspring.
"Commit Literature” by Athol Dickson for Novel Journey.
“Counting the Cost” by Jeanne Damoff for The Master’s Artist
“In Soccer, Beauty is a Choice” by Santiago Ramos for The Image Journal.
Paintings and Photographs
“Images of Summer” and “Summer Dance” by Nancy Rosback at Poems and Prayers.
"Silver Bits and Buttons” and “Orca’s Day” by Kathleen Overby at Almost Paradisical.
“Dust on the Creek,” oil on canvas by Randall David Tipton.
Photograph: Lamp, by Nancy Rosback. Used with permission.
i really enjoy your saturday post.
it's like lovely notes sent out on wings. and smiles float back.
From the looks of it, you read as much as I do...actually probably more. Very comprehensive list Glenn.
Whoa- what a list of great reads! I'm humbled to be included. Thanks Glynn.
So much that is sooooo good!
Thank you!
P.S. Be sure to include some of your own fine posts.
Once again, I'm quite humbled to have made Glynn's weekly honor roll. Thanks!
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