Friday, July 8, 2022

Virtue signaling II

After Matthew 6:16-18

Fasting is not something

to be advertised; it us

to be seen only by the one

it’s intended to honor.

Fasting is not only to forgo

food; it is also giving 

something up – money,

time, insight, focus, 

desire, habit. Give it up,

by all means, if you

intend to honor the one.

But don’t advertise it.

Don’t brag. Don’t make

sure you’ll be discovered

doing it or having done it.

Fasting is not about you.

It never was.

It never will be.

So do it in secret

and you’ll be rewarded.

In secret.


Photograph by Patrick Fore via Unsplash. Used with permission.

1 comment:

Martha Jane Orlando said...

So refreshing in this age of narcissism, Glynn. Jesus, of course, is absolutely right.