Friday, December 15, 2023

The cave

After I Samuel 24:1-12 

In this mouth

of darkness plays

out a drama,

a story of fear,

of opportunity


of opportunity

refused. There

in the cave,

the king would

have died. There

in the cave,

a king could

have risen. But

the opportunity

was refused,

confounding human

understanding. But

the man who refused

it knew it was not

his opportunity

to seize.


Photograph by Bradley Dunn via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Friday Readings


Let the Stable Still Astonish – Leslie Leyland Fields at Kingdom Poets (D.S. Martin).


Just a Stay-at-Home Mom – Lara d’Entremont. 


Christmas Should Humble Us – Seth Lewis.


More Light, Lord – poem by Esther at From the Wildwood.


The Word became flesh – poem by Jody Lee Collins.

1 comment:

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Beautiful rendition of this Biblical passage, Glynn/