Friday, December 22, 2023

What giving is

After 2 Corinthians 8:7-9


It’s not only money,

even if it is that. 

It’s more: to give

means to impart

one’s own money

and resources,

one’s time,

one’s attention,

a physical touch,

an emotional touch,

a hand or a shoulder,

to put an arm 

around a shoulder,

to come alongside

hurt and suffering. 

It’s more than

opening your wallet. 

Photograph by Tom Parsons via Unsplash. Used with permission. 

Some Friday Readings


Cattleman – A Christmas Poem – Dan Tuton at Society of Classical Poets.


Incarnation – poem by Irene Zimmerman at Kingdom Poets (D.S. Martin).


Embarrassed of My Embarrassment – Kraig Keck. 


The Feast of the Hungry – poem by Richard Tillinghast at New Criterion.

1 comment:

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Amen, Glynn, so much more!