Monday, May 20, 2024

Some Monday Readings

Into Britain’s angry pulpit steps Paula Vennells, who ran the Post Office – to explain why it sent honest people to jail – Marina Hyde at The Guardian.  

Five Instructive Quotes from The Anxious Generation – Chris Martin. 


Down the Rabbit Hole: Hunting an Original Letter – Neil Chatelain at Emerging Civil War.


The Moral Conservatism of Nathaniel Hawthorne – Russell Kirk at The Imaginative Conservative.


Privacy – artwork by Sonja Benskin Mesher.


Jacques Ellul: Prophet for the Information Age – Bronson Long at Current.


Higher Education’s Fragmented Morality – Jeffrey Bilbro at The Dispatch.


If You Are Stuck – Terry Whalin at The Writing Life.


Photograph: Nathaniel Hawthorne.

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