Friday, August 23, 2024

A call to a new land

After Genesis 12:1-3

A call to a new land,

a command to leave,

to turn away from the unknown,

the familiar, and turn

toward the unknown,

the unfamiliar, the different.

Leave your family, and

go. And my promise is this:

all the families of the earth

will be blessed. Those who

bless you will be blessed;

those who curse you

will be cursed. But

through you will come

the blessing for all.


The call to a new land

is not unlike the call

that happens generations

later, the call to leave

the fishing nets,

the tax table,

the tentmaking, and

embrace the unknown,

the strange, the unfamiliar,

and through those called

will come a blessing 

for all, a blessing called



Photograph by Kameron Kincade via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Friday Readings


The Leper – poem by Brian Yapko at Society of Classical Poets.


Can a Story Change a Soul? – Annie Beth Donahue at Story Warren.


Sing, My Tongue, the Saviour’s Glory – poem by Venantius Fortunatus at Kingsom Poets (D.S. Martin).


Grief Can Be So Lonely – Tim Challies. 


True Story: The Surprise Ending is Joy – Andrew Klavan at The New Jerusalem. 

1 comment:

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Blessings from God through His people are forever. Blessings, Glynn!