Sunday, August 25, 2024

A promise made and kept

After Revelation 7:9-10

A promise was made,

a promise was kept,

a command to go,

a command was kept.

And through that keeping

came the blessing, 

the blessing to the multitudes

no one could number, multitudes

from every nation, every tribe,

every people, every language,

standing together, one body,

clothed in white, waving

palms, crying out salvation,

the salvation that belongs

to God, the salvation 

that belongs to the Lamb.


Photograph by Farrinni via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Sunday Readings


Interplay – poem by Joy Lenton at Poetry Joy.


The 3.5 Uses of the Law in Romans 7 – Dan Crabtree at The Cripplegate.


If the Men Aren’t Singing: 5 Questions for Worship Leaders – Jon Bloom at Desiring God.

1 comment:

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Thank you, Glynn, for always blessing my Sundays with your poetry. Beautiful!