Thursday, August 22, 2024

Some Thursday Readings - Aug. 22, 2024

Our Children Need Stories: The Power of Fiction in Forming the Heart
 – Betsy Howard at Desiring God. 

The Dynamism of Growth: William Kent Krueger on Milestones and Making the Familiar Fresh Again – John Valeri at CrimeReads. 


Manual Training for All – Connie Goddard at Front Porch Republic.


“Why So Pale and Wan, Fond Lover?” - poem by Sir John Suckling – Sally Thomas at Poems Ancient and Modern.


5 Personal Rules for Reading Disagreeable Books – Joel Miller at Miller’s Book Review.


Another Flower of Scotland: Father Allan MacDonald – Joseph Pearce at The Imaginative Conservative.


What Lasts and (Mostly) Doesn’t Last – Lincoln Michel at Counter Craft.


Online Dating Failed. Why? – Samuel D. James at Digital Liturgies.


Photograph: Father Allan MacDonald, poet, scholar, translator, crusader

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