Sunday, August 4, 2024

After the casting of lots

After Acts 2:1-7

The sat quietly, talking

among themselves, murmurs

rising and falling until the time

came to replace the betrayer.

They cast lots; the lot falls

to the successor. And they continue

to meet, talking quietly, murmurs

rising and falling, waiting

for the promised helper to show

the way.


The twelve and others are

together that day, that

day of the wind and 

tongues of flame, rushing

wind roaring with the voice

of heaven, the flaming

tongues resting on each

of them, filling them and

prompting a cacophony 

of languages, each speaking

a tongue, flame filing voice,

empowering speech and

understanding, pulling

multitudes towards them,

amazing and astonishing

all with hearing speech

in their own tongue, not

just any speech but 

the story of what was,

the story of what is, and

the story of what is to come.


Photograph by James Owen via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Sunday Readings


Men Have Forgotten God – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn at The Imaginative Conservative.


Persecution: A Right Response? – Lee Hutchings at Gentle Reformation.


Zombie Paganism – Spencer Kalvan at The New Jerusalem.


We Stopped Catechising – T.M. Suffield at Nuakh. 


Flannery’s Last Day – poem by Angela Alaimo O’Donnell at Rabbit Room Poetry.

1 comment:

Martha Jane Orlando said...

What was, what is, what is to come . . .
Thanks for this one, Glynn - it's amazing!