I like stories. I like stories about fathers and about children. I like surprise twists and unusual endings. I like good writing. I lean to the emotional. Postings by some of the same people regularly show up, but the mix does change.
I’ve also added a new section – paintings and photographs. There’s some stunning stuff. (And if you’d like to follow art and the arts in general online on a regular basis, there’s no better source than Maureen Doallas at Writing Without Paper.) (Yes, that's a ringing endorsement.)
“Life is a Memorial” by Jay Cookingham at Soulfari.
“The Work of All Kids: How to Forgive Our Parents” by Ann Voskamp for (In)Courage.
“Letting Go to Let God” and “Love, That Many Splendored Thing” by Louise Gallagher at Recover Your Joy.
“Sundays Are for Washing Cars” by Michelle DeRusha at Graceful.
“An Old Man’s Theory” and “Life Turns on Small Decisions” by Duane Scott.
“Pornography of the Poor” by John Blasé at Dirty Shame.
“The Train Case” by Harriet Gillham at The Other Side of the Mountain.
“Waking Up from Ghana” by Laura Bramon Good at The Image Journal.
“Anatomy of a Treasure Hunt” by Billy Coffey.
“Tips from a publicist – of sorts” by Kathy Richards for Author Culture.
“When His Future Steps Into Him” by Tamara at Living Palm.
“Underneath a Faded Quilt” by Carrie Burtt at Hope Whispers.
“Oil Spills and God Talk – Part 1” by Brian Volck at The Image Journal.
“Changing Your Mind” by Shawn Smucker.
“Stories to be Written” by Jason Stasyszen at Connecting to Impact.
“The Heart of the Matter,” by Jeff Jordan at To My Children, If They Are Listening.
“Moments Become Memories” by Michael Perkins at Untitled.
“It Feels Like Church” by Jessica McGuire at Jezamama.
“That Hollywood Sparkle” and "Extinction's Shadow" by Rob Kistner at Image & Verse.
“Daddy’s Girl” by Laura Boggess at The Wellspring.
“Stuff of Stiff Necks and Egos” by Kathleen Overby at Almost Paradisical.
“Taliessen and the Division of the Table” and “Revolving Helix” by Justinian at Delight and Glory and Oddity and Light.
“Elegy” by Hadassah Fey at Umbra Vitae.
“The June Poem” by Bob Spencer at Wilderness Fandango.
“If you” by Melissa at All the Words.
“Jack, a Poem that Tells the Real Story of jack the Ripper” by Peter Marshall.
“The Lioness” by Heather Truett at Madame Rubies Writes.
“The Night Beneath the Moon” by Leslie Moon at Moondustwriter.
“This is the Way That Little Girl Lived” by Karen Eck at Phoenix-Karenee.
“Break the Fast” By Sandra Heska King at Beholding God.
Paintings and Photos
“Photoplay: Frame It” by Kelly Sauer.
“Understory,” oil on canvas by Randall David Tipton.
“Deep Current” by Karen Eck at Phoenix-Karenee.
“Father’s Day” by Steve Gravano at Take A Look Around.
“No Weight” and “Framing the Sacred” by Jezamama.
“Between Blooms” by Melissa at The Far Blue Hills.
“Pressing On,” “Framed by Provision” and “Eye of the Beholder” by Susan Etole at Just…A Moment.
Photograph: Lamp, by Nancy Rosback at Poems and Prayers. Used with permission.
Thank you again for the mentions. I see some familiar bloggers and not so familiar ones. Looks like a great list!
Still beaming--ear to ear. You could slip a whole slice of watermelon in there!
gonna try and get to some of these this weekend...
it's funny how our lists tell us things about ourselves.
i liked that.
and in making the list, it shows how much you encourage others by sharing.
If it's true that content is king. You're the king and Maureen's the queen. :) I'm coming back to 'meet' some cool people and get to know them. If you like them, so will I. Right? Right.
I was so pleased to see Steve Gravano on your list today ... and thanks for the smile you provided me, too. You have a real gift for encouragement.
Wow, Glynn! Thank you so much for including me! I do recognize a lot of these. But I've got a few to check out too. Thanks so much.
Thank you for that "ringing endorsement"; my cheeks are red.
Brian Volck's "Oil Spills and God Talk" Part 2 posted yesterday. Both parts are wonderful.
Check out Randall's "Figure Study" today. He keeps surprising me.
I'll spend some time this weekend exploring the posts of writers I don't know. Some very fine work represented in your list, as always.
This is a recording... This is a recording... (that only plays on Saturdays)
You are such an encouragement. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. I don't know if you watch your stats at all, but your site visit length is going to go WAY UP, because I'm keeping this page open all day so I can visit all of the ones I don't know throughout the day when I need a break from cleaning.
Yep, I clean.
With a vacuum and everything.
It's not a pretty sight.
Sorry for the ADD moment I got going on here.
Ya, I still like cheetos.
Thank you Glynn -- I am always surprised to see my name amidst your list -- especially coming out of a week where I felt disjointed and off balance. It is encouragement like yours that reminds me -- we all have a story to share, and we never know how our words will touch another. but if we never let them out, we'll never have a chance to connect.
You are an amazing man.
Thank you!
Thanks for the list, I'll have to check them out.
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