Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday Good Reads

A dad, Jay Cookingham, shares an awful story of childhood (I cried with this one); two writers – Billy Coffey and Kathy Richards, write about children of divorce; Ryan Dueck writes a beautiful essay review of the Japanese novel “Silence;” Maureen Doallas dreams in the Japanese fields of Tohoku; Bob Spencer sings a song for Debi; and so much more. What a week this was for good writing online!


Hawkes Hall” and "F-2" by Harriett Gillham at The Other Side of the Mountain.

Manliness” by Kathleeen Overby at Almost Paradisical.

Balancing or Not: Choosing the Right Weariness” by Charity Singleton at Wide Open Spaces.

Mourning” and “Words from a Recovering Church Pit Bull” by Jessica McGuire at Jezamama.

If I Could Lighten Up” by Louise Gallagher at Recover Your Joy.

Seeing” and “Lent Lapse” by Michelle DeRusha at Graceful.

A Story about a Cat and What I Learned” by Cassandra Frear at The Moonboat Café.

That Darn Doll: A Lesson in Prejudices” by Claire Burge at ClaireB.

God is Approachable” by Jay Cookingham for Make a Difference to One.

Go Out into the World and Live” and “The luckiest boy in the world” by Billy Coffey at What I Learned Today.

Let the Season Begin” by Pete Faur.

Seeing Red” and “Child of Divorce” by Kathy Richards at Katdish.

I’m a Drunk” by Marty Duane Scott for

What Can Never Be” by Jeff Jordan at To My Children, If They Are Listening.

Washing Feet” by Nancy Rosback at A little somethin’.

Just Tell Me What to Think” by Matt Appling at The Church of No People.

’Read the Instructions’” – learning lessons the hard way” by David Rupert at Red-Letter Believers.

Silence” by Ryan Dueck at Rumblings.

You Can Only Love to the Extent You Are Known” by Kevin Martineau at Shooting the Breeze.

Where We Find Transfigured Beauty” by Jennifer Dukes-Lee at Getting down with Jesus.


Limitless” by Rob Kistner at Image & Verse.

In a red bird” and “Fear of Falling” by B.K. McKenzie at Signed…BKM.

"In the dead of night" by Brad Howington.

Not a list” by Nancy Rosback at A little somethin’.

"Song for Debi" by Bob Spencer at Wilderness Fandango.

Birdsong” by Linda Chontos at Linda’s Patchwork Quilt.

Layover” by Jim Schmotzer at Faithful Skeptic.

Quiet Moments and Reflection” by Anthony Souls at Art Comet.

Dreaming in the Field of Tohoku” by Maureen Doallas at Writing Without Paper.

Camisole Stroll” by Jerry Barrett at Under the Door Frame.

To the Mother of God” by Justinian at Delight and Glory and Oddity and Light.

Ingredients” by Arron Palmer.

Fools” by Karen Eck at Karenee Art.

"Lenten Journal: An Open Letter to an Old Friend" by Milton Brasher-Cunningham at Don't Eat Alone.

"Picture Drawer" by Steven Marty Grant at Urbanality.

Paintings and Photographs

Getting dirty” by Kathy Richards at Katdish.

A Room with a View” by Greg Sullivan at Sippican Cottage.

My Beloved Speaks” by Jeanne Damoff at The View From Here.

Magnolia at Night 2,” oil on unstretched canvas by Randall David Tipton.

Gathering of family” by Susan Etole at Just…A Moment.


The Music Box” by Daniel Cloud Campos. (Hat tip to American Digest and The Anchoress.)

Twitter Lessons from a Top Christian CEO,” interview with Thomas Hyatt of Nelson Publishing.

Photograph: Image 26p by Nancy Rosback. Used with permission.


Brian Miller said...

glynn thank you so much for doing this on saturdays...its a cool way to meet some others and sample a bit of gratness...

dude said...

Thanks Bro'...have a blessed weekend!

Kathleen Overby said...

Thanks for this circle. (Check Claire's link again, it didn't work)

signed...bkm said...

You are such a wonderful support Glynn thank you so much all your mentions and kindness....bkm

Linda said...

Glynn - Thank you so much. You are such an encouragement to me. To have someone of your caliber notice something I've written is a huge blessing.
I'm eager to read the others.

Anonymous said...

a very good week...

thank you for gathering the links together in one place.
there is something very special about your saturday gathering.

Maureen said...

Thank you for such a lovely call-out. Susan's painting remains an inspiration.

Jeff Jordan said...

Continually amazed at how much you read. Thanks!

Peter Faur said...

Thanks for the mention, Glynn!

S. Etole said...

Late to say "thank you" but it is still heartfelt ...

Anonymous said...

I am thankful to be among such wonderful company. So sorry I am late too.