Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Poets and Poems: Thomas Colquith and “Let Our Memories Escape”

Awareness of time is heightened at two periods of our lives. When we are very young, time appears to move at a glacial pace, especially as we approach birthdays or holidays like Christmas. Nothing seems to make it go faster. When we reach a certain age, often in our mid-to-late-60s, we notice that time is accelerating and seems to be approaching the speed of light. Nothing seems to slow it down. 

Poet Thomas Colquith plays with time. That’s not “play” in the sense of amusement, relaxation, and entertainment, but more in the sense of understanding, experimentation, and speculation. The 52 poems of his latest collection Let Our Memories Escape are meditations on time, the past, the present, and what might have been, but wasn’t.

To continue reading, please see my post today at Tweetspeak Poetry.

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