Thursday, January 13, 2022

"Untrue Blue" by Emma Jameson

The Hetheridges – husband and wife – are back. 

Detective Inspector Kate Hetheridge is on doctor-ordered bedrest during her final four weeks of pregnancy. Her husband Tony, also known as Lord Anthony Hetheridge, continues to work as a private investigator and police consultant. Far too competent for his own good, Tony “retired” from Scotland Yard, retired as in forced out. Kate’s colleague – and Tony’s former subordinate – Paul Bhar is the father of a brand-new baby girl, so he’s not been visiting too much and trying to find time to get some sleep.


The Hetheridges and Paul are drawn into another murder investigation – the strangulation of a young member of Kate’s and Paul’s police team, killed in her flat. Kate can only participate via computer and phone, but Paul and other police officers are fully investigating. The victim’s boyfriend, also a police officer, is implicated. But as they begin to look at the cases she was investigating, they discover threads to the solution that might reach into very high levels of Scotland Yard.


Emma Jameson

Untrue Blue
 is the seventh mystery novel in the Lord and Lady Hetheridge series, and it’s every bit as good as its predecessors. The marriage of Mayfair (Tony) and London’s East End (Kate) is a fun sub-theme of the story. Tony, in his early 60s, had been a long-time bachelor, with one -out-of-wedlock child, and he can trace his lineage back several hundred years. Kate brings with her an older disabled brother, a nephew for whom she’s the guardian, a sister who’s usually in addiction recovery somewhere, and a mother no one has seen for some time. It’s a mix Jameson uses to keep the home front constantly bubbling. 


And now the baby is due. It’s a great mystery and a fun story.


In addition to the Hetheridge series, Jameson has a second series of novels featuring the amateur detective Dr. Benjamin Bones. The series begins in Cornwall during World War II, and it has a companion series called “The Magic of Cornwall.” Jameson is currently working on another Dr. Bones mystery, and she says there will be more Lord and Lady Hetheridge novels.



Ice Blue by Emma Jameson


Blue Murder by Emma Jameson.


Something Blue by Emma Jameson.


Black & Blue by Emma Jameson.


Blue Blooded by Emma Jameson.


Blue Christmas by Emma Jameson.

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