Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday Good Reads

Can you show love and grace to a child molester? A little girl chooses to walk, and it’s a choice about her own life. Poems about homelessness, and putting hands to the plow. And more. It was a good week for good reads online.


Stopping Somewhere” by Charity Singleton at Wide Open Spaces.

A Prayer for Writers” by Cassandra Frear at Moonboat Café.

An End to Christian Romanticism, Please” by Bob Spencer at Wilderness Fandango.

The molester down the hall” by David Rupert at Red-Letter Believers.

Under Conviction” by Bill Grandi at Cycleguy’s Spin.

Love’s Embrace” by Michael Perkins at Untitled.

Meeting C.S. Lewis – and Prayer” by Karen Eck at Karenee Art.

When I Grow Old” and “In this place” by Louise Gallagher at Recover Your Joy.

When Empty Answers Are the Best Ones of All” and “Premature” by Jennifer Dukes-Lee at Getting Down with Jesus.

Americans have it pretty rough” by Matt at the Church of No People.

Church Year Spirituality: Living in God’s Story” by Chaplain Mike at Internet Monk.

The Vampire Chronicles” by Michelle DeRusha at Graceful.

Failure is an Option” by Jessica McGuire at Jezamama.

Choosing to Walk” by Billy Coffey.

A Freudian Slip” by Diane Walker at Contemplative Photography.

Trouble in a Writer’s World” by Athol Dickson for Novel Journey.

Community Art” by Jeanne Damoff for The Master’s Artist.

Pretending” by Linda Chontos at Linda’s Patchwork Quilt.

Surviving Church Burnout: Everything Isn’t Terrible” by Ed Cyzewski at In a Mirror Dimly.

A Brief History of Thanksgiving” by Mark Roberts at Beliefnet.

Risking the Heart” by Laura Brannon Good for The Image Journal.


I Am No Coward” by Jason Stasyszen at Connecting to Impact.

One Shoot Sunday Photo Prompt – Homelessness” by Lesley Moon for One Stop Poetry.

Neo Narcissist” and “Wait Weight” by Jerry at Under the Door Frame.

Like this” and “Attendance” by Melissa at All the Words.

Worship Poetry – My Soul to Keep” and “My Song, My Heart” by Jay Cookingham ay Soulfari.

We Go Deep” by Maureen Doallas at Writing Without Paper.

Lycaon of the Lower East Side,” “Simplicity” and “Los Angeles to New York” by Steven Marty Grant at Urbanality.

The Serial Reader” by Lorenzo at Crowned with Laurels.

Vesper’s Prayer” by Rob Kistner at Image & Verse.

But not disappear” by Jim Schmotzer at Faithful Skeptic.

Hands to the Plow” by Robbie Pruitt.

Possession” and “West” by Adam White.

Before I Am Old I Shall Have Written Him One Poem Maybe As Cold And Passionate As The Dawn” by Greg Sullivan at Sippican Cottage.

Man in Black” by Kathleen Overby at Almost Paradisical.

Bedtime Story” by Arron Palmer at A. Palmer Poetry.

Paintings and Photographs

"A Sneak Peak” by Kelly Sauer at A Restless Heart.

Sunday” by Deidra Riggs at Jumping Tandem.

Estuary Night,” watermedia on Yupo, and “2001 Still Life,” watercolors on Bristol, by Randall David Tipton.

59” by Steven Gravano at Take a Look Around.

Looking Up” by Susan Etole at Just…A Moment.

Fall with a Fancy Camera” by Michelle DeRusha at Graceful.

Photograph: Lamp by Nancy Rosback. Used with permission.


H. Gillham said...

I love SGRs....

Thanks for collecting them, Glynn.

Louise Gallagher said...

I'm with H. Gillham -- and thank you for including me here.

Jeanne Damoff said...

Thanks, Glynn! Happy Saturday to you!

dude said...

Thank Bro's for including my poetry on your list. To be included with so many talented folks is an honor!

Michelle DeRusha said...

Thanks, Glynn -- you rock! I'm off to do some good Saturday reading...

Maureen said...

As always, thank you for including me in your impressive line-up.

S. Etole said...

Thanks, Glynn, for bringing these to our attention. And thanks for including me.

Anonymous said...

It really means a lot that you would include me in your list among such amazing people, Glynn. You are such a blessing! Thank you so much.