Saturday, May 21, 2011

Saturday Good Reads

A family sees a former foster child on a school bus, and something small but surprising happens. A scene deleted from a novel. A daughter’s date with her dad. A book launch to help the homeless. Songlines that turn into dreams. A funeral party. An Indian temple at twilight. And, of course, the end of world (today’s the day). All this and so much more.


The More I See of Christians the Tighter I Cling to Christ” and “The Day I Waved the White Flag” by Jessica McGuire at Jezamama.

Hospice Care for TP” by Louise Gallagher at Recover Your Joy.

A Day” by Anne Lang Bundy at Building His Body.

"Whirlwind" by Kelly Sauer at A Restless Heart.

"What if the Answer is Never?" by Sandra Heska King.

Outsourcing the children” by Matt Appling at The Church of No People.

Jimmy’s Long Road Ahead” by Billy Coffey at What I Learned Today.

Assembling Your Dream Team” and “(Wo)man of Your Word” by Jason Vana.

Remembrance” and “The Nest” by Michelle DeRusha at Graceful.

Chain of Fools” by Perry Block at Nouveau Old, Formerly Cute.

The Wheels on the Bus” by Jeffrey Jordan at To My Children, If They are Listening.

Deleted Scene” from River Rising by Athol Dickson.

3 Things to Do when Your Career Hurts” by Claire Burge at Claire B.

Brutus the Bully Cat” by Robin Arnold at All Things.

Two Homes” by Charity Singleton at Wide Open Spaces.

Why I Want to Write Useless Poetry” by L.L. Barkat at TweetSpeak Poetry.

The Life-Work of Spring” and “For all the daddies” by Jennifer Dukes-Lee at Getting Down with Jesus.

The old man and the gumball” by Duane Scott for Bibledude.

See ya’ll tomorrow!” by Fatha Frank at Public Christianity.

Why I Hate Writing, Part 7” by Kathy Richards at katdish.

Retreat: I Reckon with What I Can’t Control” by Cassandra Frear at Moonboat Café.


God’s Grandeur” by Gerard Manley Hopkins, via Maggie’s Farm.

River Usk” by Nithin R.S. at My Words.

Me” by Nancy Rosback and “Road” by Nancy Rosback and friends at A Little Somethin’.

A Higher Moral Ground” by Maureen Doallas at Writing Without Paper.

Cadence” by Duane Carter at Songs from the River.

Songlines” by Brendan MacOran at Oran’s Well.

Coasting,” “The Dispute, Donnybrook, Dustup” and “Funeral Party” by Arron Palmer.

I Didn’t Tell You” by Karen Eck at Karenee Art.

We all got some crazy” by Robert Lee Brewer at My Name is Not Bob.

Paintings and Photographs

The Woods at Wihakowi” by Steve Gravano at Take a Look Around.

Is is possible” and “Just Wondering” by Susan Etole at Just…A Moment.

Rio in Medio 3,” oil on canvas by Randall David Tipton.

Temple Twilight” by J of India at Neither Use Nor Ornament.

Open to the Day” by Jeanne Damoff at The View From Here.

Videos and Podcasts

WHERE Book Launch” by Louise Gallagher for Calgary DI.

Photograph: Summer Friends by Nancy Rosback. Used with permission.


Sandra Heska King said...

Thanks so much for including me, Glynn!

I've read several of these, but I can see I need to find some more quiet time this weekend.

Have a good one!

L.L. Barkat said...

Aw. Thanks. I wish I had written 'Why I Want to Write Useless Poetry.' I believe I do. :)

That was a reprint of Marcus Goodyear's very own. :)

Maureen said...

Thank you for including me in a great list of prose, poetry, and more. Enjoy your weekend! It's stopped raining here (finally), so I think we'll take a drive into the countryside.

Louise Gallagher said...

Thanks Glynn -- I'm loving the photos appearing at the top of your list every Saturday -- and I'm loving being included on your list -- and thank you for the WHERE note!

Hugs -- and enjoy your ride in the countryside.

Robin Arnold said...

Thank you for the honor of being listed. My goodness folks were busy writing last week. I need to catch up with more of these posts! Your Saturday list is always a favorite for me.

Linda said...

Thank you for this wonderful list Glynn. It is perfect reading for a quiet weekend!

S. Etole said...

It's always a privilege to be on this fine list. Your work in compiling it is much appreciated.

Anne Lang Bundy said...

Your compilation seemed exceptionally stunning this week. I'm grateful to see you affirm the pieces I've enjoyed, and highlight ones I would have otherwise missed. I like your inclusion of artwork and photos.

And I am honored to be included with such a lineup. Thank you, Glynn.

Jeff Jordan said...

Still don't know how you find the time to do what you do. Thank you for your generosity!

Anonymous said...

i think that i will take some of last week and put it into this week. i had no idea so many cool things happened!

and thank you for sharing my photos.
this one is one of my favorites :-)