Saturday, March 19, 2011

Saturday Good Reads

A theme emerged in a number of online posts this week – the situation in Japan. It showed up in both prose and poetry,as people grappled with trying to understand the enormity of what happened and how to respond.


For a Nation, For A Single Life” by L.L. Barkat at Seedlings in Stone.

For Everything a Time” by Susan Etole at Just…A Moment.

What a Good Coach Does” by David Duchovny for the Wall Street Journal.

And” by Doug Spurling at Spurling Silver.

The See-Saw” by Sarah Salter at Living Between the Lines.

You’re Not Doing Enough” by Scott Couchenour at Serving Strong.

Honk if You Hate Social Justice” and "An Abusive Heavenly Father” by Matt Appling at the Church of No People.

They Came Back, But Different” by Peggy Rosenthal for The Image Journal.

Training Wheels” by Michael Perkins at Untitled.

When You can’t See What’s Coming” by Jennifer Dukes-Lee at Getting Down with Jesus.

What Fills Us” and “The Story of My Decision” by Ann Kroeker at Ann Kroeker, Writer.

Blips” and “Spinning Toward” by Michelle DeRusha at Graceful.

When Tears Reach Heaven” by Karen Eck at Karenee Art.

The Changing Tides” by Billy Coffey at What I Learned Today.

A Community Garden” by Seth Haines.

Taking Back the Night Alone” by Charity Singleton at Wide Open Spaces.

In the Flesh” by Tony Woodlief for The Image Journal.

Born to Beauty” by Athol Dickson for The Novel Journey.

Almost Like Being There” by Martha of Ireland for Internet Monk.

Ostrich Defense” by Seiji Yamashita at The Ignition Point.

Groaning for Japan” by Sandra Heska King.

Find the Truth Filters” by Robin M. Arnold.

"Because I Want To" by Marty Duane Scott.

"All the Lonely Playgrounds" by David Rupert at Red-Letter Believers.


Twigs” by Matt Cannon at Seeking Pastor.

Thirty Years” by Herb Alyette at Pixels and Dust.

Orphan Tsunami” by Matt Quinn at Poemblaze.

Lent I – a sonnet” by Chaplain Mike at Internet Monk.

Some People” by Lorenzo at Crowned with Laurels.

The Mourning” by Rob Kistner at Image & Verse.

The News -2011” by L.L. Barkat for The High Calling.

A lament for Japan” by Claire Burge at Claire b.

Inside Serra” by Maureen Doallas at Writing Without Paper.

Lenten Journal: Photographer’s Light” by Milton Brasher-Cunningham at Don’t Eat Alone.

"Why Did I Do You Like That?" by Jerry Barrett at Under the Door Frame.

Paintings and Photographs

Saturday Rain,” oil on canvas by Randall David Tipton.

Comprehension” by Susan Etole at Just…A Moment.

Japanese Ship Resting on House,” via Taylor Marshall at Canterbury Tales.

On coming out of her shell” by Claire Burge at High Calling Focus.

My Irish Eyes Are Smiling” by Michelle DeRusha at Graceful.


“7 Promises Podcast – Promise 1” by Jay Cookingham at Soulfari.

Photograph: Sunflower Arena by Nancy Rosback. Used with permission.


Sandra Heska King said...

Thank you for including me, Glynn. Great stuff here. Looks like I'll be busy reading this weekend. After I pull all the income tax stuff together for my husband. :P

Have a great weekend!

Michelle DeRusha said...

Thanks for the inclusion, Glynn. So much I would love to read here...but I am off this morning, flying to MA with the boys to visit my parents for spring break (not exactly cancun, but I'll take it).

H. Gillham said...


*sips coffee*

Love these.

You're the best "gatherer of blogs" that I know of....


That's you, my friend.


Maureen said...

Thank you for including "Inside Serra". I've written a poem about Japan that I'll post Tuesday.

Many wonderful pieces here.

Anonymous said...

thank you.
i like your saturday lists quite a lot.

putting a ★ sticker and an A+ on this.


Anonymous said...

Great list, Glynn! I wish I had time to read all the ones I missed. :) Thanks for this.

dude said...

Bless you bro'...I appreciate you including my podcast on such a impressive list!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for including me--great encouragement!

Anonymous said...

I look forward to your Saturday posts each week, sipping coffee as I go through the links. Thanks for the surprise this morning, for including me. I'm honored you stopped by. As ever His, Robin

S. Etole said...

Always look forward to checking out the ones I have missed ... thank you for including me.

Ann Kroeker said...

Wow! I've got some reading to do!

Thanks for including my posts on the list, Glynn. I'm honored...and delighted. :)